Privacy Policy

This Policy provides basic information about the purposes, processing and security of your personal data as a user of the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site). By reading the Privacy Policy you will learn who is the controller of your personal data, what personal data is collected by the Site, for what purposes it is used and how it is protected.

§1. Basic information

  1. The administrator of your personal data is: IPL Polska Sp. z.o.o. with its registered office in Biała Podlaska, 21-500, at 117 Sitnicka Street, registered in the National Court Register under the number: 0000650047, NIP: 5372635542.
  2. The Administrator can be contacted via:

§2. Data processing principles

The administrator processes personal data with respect for the following principles:

§3. Purposes, Legal Basis, and Scope of Data Processing

We will process your data for the following purposes:

  1. For contact purposes, to respond to your message sent directly via email or through the form, based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator associated with the necessity of providing you with a response.
  2. For technical purposes using technical cookies, based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator related to the proper functioning and operation of the Website.
  3. For statistical and analytical purposes, if you have given consent for us to use cookies for analytical purposes (analytical cookies).
  4. For marketing purposes, if you have given consent for us to use cookies for marketing purposes (marketing cookies).
  5. For purposes related to maintaining a corporate profile on social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin) in accordance with the rules specified by the owners of the respective platform and informing about our products, promotions, and other information related to our activities. We consider this to be our legitimate interest.

§4. Data Recipients and the Intention to Transfer Data to Countries Outside the EEA or to International Organizations

We process your data in various contexts:

  1. If you send us an email:

    • We process the data contained in the email, and providing us with data in this way is voluntary. At any time, you can request the deletion of this data.
  2. Using the contact form on our website:

    • We process data in the form of your email address, phone number, and name/organization name. Providing these data is a condition for us to respond to your inquiry.
  3. Other data processed by the Administrator:

    • Include IP address and other information stored in cookies. You can decide on the extent of the use of cookies with your data, and providing data in this way is voluntary. At any time, you can change your preferences in the web browser or delete the stored cookies from our Site.
  4. Joining our social media profile:

    • We process the data you provided in the respective social media platform, and you can end the processing by unsubscribing (unfollowing) our profile.
  5. Using APIs from external partners:

    • Our site may use APIs provided by external partners to integrate various functions. Using these APIs may lead to the creation of additional cookies or use of existing ones for processing user data. External partners store and process these data in accordance with their own privacy policies.

1. Recipients of Personal Data

The recipients of your personal data are:

  1. If you have consented to marketing cookies:

    • Your data stored in cookies will be transferred to our advertising partners.
  2. If you have consented to analytical cookies:

    • Your data stored in cookies will be processed by the entity providing software for analyzing traffic on our site (e.g., Google Analytics).
  3. Exceptions regarding the transfer of data to countries outside the EEA or international organizations include the partners listed below:

    1. Google Inc., based in the USA:

      • For traffic analytics on the site using Google Analytics and providing additional features (such as Google Maps, Google Search Console) related to the proper functioning of the site and displaying search results. See how Google processes and protects your data. This browser add-on allows you to manage the scope and level of access to data collected by Google Analytics.
    2. Google Inc., based in the USA:

    3. Facebook Inc., based in the USA:

      • For account management and access to data in social media services (Facebook, Instagram), advertisements, and measuring their effectiveness related to the installation of the Facebook pixel and Conversion API on the site.

§5. Data Retention Period

We are unable to specify the exact duration for which we will process your personal data. If you have provided us with your data through a form or email for contact purposes, your data will be processed until you submit a request for the deletion of this data or object to processing. Processing may also continue if the Administrator deems that a legally justified interest has been fulfilled.

§6. User Rights

1. In connection with the processing of your data, you have the following rights:

2. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (address: Personal Data Protection Office, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw).

3. More information regarding personal data protection can be obtained from the website of the Personal Data Protection Office:

§7. Cookie Information

  1. On our website, we use cookies (cookie files).
  2. Cookies are small text files stored on users' devices while browsing a website. They are used to facilitate the use of our site, improve the quality of services, and enable the analysis of traffic and user behavior.
  3. Cookies can be permanent (persistent) or temporary (session). Permanent cookies are stored on the user's device for a specified time or until they are deleted by the user. Temporary cookies are deleted after closing the browser.
  4. We use our own cookies as well as third-party cookies. Our own cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of the site, personalize content, save user preferences, and analyze statistics. Third-party cookies are used by external analytical tools, advertising, and for integration with social media.
  5. Users have the right to control and limit the way cookies are used on our site. Most web browsers allow managing cookie files, including blocking, restricting, or deleting cookies. Detailed information on managing cookies can be found in the user's browser settings.
  6. It should be remembered that disabling or limiting cookies may affect the functionality of the site and the quality of services provided.
  7. On our website, we use various types of cookies to better adapt to the needs of users and ensure optimal use of the site.
  8. Technical Cookies: These are essential for the proper functioning of the website. They enable maintaining user sessions, supporting forms, remembering preferences, and ensuring site security.
  9. Marketing Cookies: These allow for the personalization of ads and conducting remarketing activities, which are tailored to the interests and preferences of users. They are also used to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and optimize advertising content.
  10. Analytical Cookies: These are used to collect information about how users use the website, such as the number of visits, pages visited, time spent on the site, or traffic sources. The obtained data help in analyzing and optimizing the site, improving its functioning, and tailoring content to the needs of users.

§8. Why Do We Use Cookies?

  1. Enhanced Website Comfort: Cookies (cookie files) can significantly enhance the comfort of using a website.
  2. Content Personalization: Cookies allow for tailoring displayed content to user preferences and interests, making the site more attractive and useful.
  3. Settings Memorization: Thanks to cookies, the website can remember user-selected settings, such as language, layout, or color scheme, facilitating quicker and more convenient use of the service.
  4. Login Information: Cookies enable the storage of information about a logged-in user, allowing for easy switching between different sections of the site without the need for re-login.
  5. Session Maintenance: Through cookies, the website can track user activity on various pages, making it easy to revisit recently viewed sections or continue unfinished actions, such as filling out forms.
  6. Performance Optimization: Cookies can be utilized to analyze traffic and user behavior on the site, aiding in optimizing its performance and delivering high-quality content.
  7. Advertisements: Cookies enable the display of personalized ads tailored to the user's interests and needs, making ads less intrusive and more relevant.
  8. Integration with Social Media: Cookies allow integration with social media services such as Facebook, Linkedin, or Instagram, enabling easy content sharing and utilization of additional features like commenting or liking.

§9. Technical Cookies Functions

  1. User Session Maintenance: Technical cookies enable the maintenance of a user session while navigating the site, allowing users to move between different sections of the website without the need for re-login or re-entering the same information.
  2. User Preference Storage: Technical cookies allow the website to store information about user preferences, such as selected language, font size, color settings, or other personalization elements.
  3. Form Handling: Technical cookies support the functioning of forms on the site, such as login, registration, or contact forms, ensuring the proper processing of data entered by users.
  4. Site Performance Optimization: The use of technical cookies enables monitoring the performance and loading speed of individual elements on the site, allowing for optimization and improvement of the quality of services provided.
  5. Security: Technical cookies help ensure the security of the website and its users, for example, by verifying user identities, detecting intrusion attempts, or protecting against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks.

§10. Analytical Cookies Functions

  1. Site Traffic Measurement: Analytical cookies allow monitoring the number of visits, unique users, and page views, providing a general overview of the website's popularity and performance.
  2. User Behavior Analysis: Analytical cookies collect information about how users navigate the site, such as time spent on specific subpages, navigation paths, and exit points from the website.
  3. Conversion Optimization: Analytical cookies assist in identifying website elements that impact the effectiveness of achieving business goals, such as registration, placing orders, or completing a contact form.
  4. User Segmentation: The use of analytical cookies enables the grouping of users based on various criteria, allowing for better customization of content and offers to the needs of specific segments.
  5. A/B Testing: Analytical cookies are used for conducting A/B tests, comparing two versions of a website to determine which one better meets predefined goals. These tests help optimize the design, functionality, and content of the website.

§11. Functions of Marketing Cookies

  1. Personalized Advertisements: Marketing cookies enable the display of ads tailored to the user's interests, preferences, and browsing history, making them more attractive and effective.
  2. Remarketing: With marketing cookies, users who have visited the website but have not made a purchase or other action can be tracked. Ads can then be retargeted to encourage them to return to the site and complete the transaction.
  3. Ad Effectiveness Measurement: Marketing cookies allow for monitoring the results of advertising campaigns, such as the number of clicks, conversions, or impressions, facilitating the optimization of the marketing strategy.
  4. Multi-Channel Ad Management: The use of marketing cookies facilitates the coordination and integration of advertising efforts across different channels, such as search engines, social media, or partner websites.
  5. Testing and Optimization of Ad Content: Marketing cookies are utilized for conducting A/B tests and other analytical methods to assess the effectiveness and engagement levels of different ad messages, formats, and creative elements.